A Publication of WTVP

Frozen in time

Ihave a weird guilty pleasure: Reading old newspapers. I bet not too many of you do likewise. After all, it’s...

The Latest

Fred the Horse Cartoon #1

Toon Town | August 2022

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Mike Bailey

Lessons to Spare, and Share

Welcome to Peoria Magazine’s Education edition, dedicated to those who teach, learn and use their accumulated knowledge to make their...
Peoria Chiefs Ball Park

Can The Old Julian Hotel Be Saved?

Architecture aficionados can fall in love in with a structure as bold, bedazzling, even breathtaking. But the object of my...

Welcome to the Innovation Edition

The Peoria area has long been a place of tinkerers and free- thinkers, people known to sometimes reject the conventional...

Where’s My Flying Car?

The future is a tricky place to visit, a harder place still from which to send a postcard.We are an...

Your City Magazine Returns

Covers sell magazines. They grab you at a glance, or they don’t, so there’s a lot riding on them. We’re...
Inside old car

One Last, Emotional Ride

Sometimes, it’s hard to say goodbye to a special gal. She came into my life during hard times, keeping me...
Lorraine Washington

Lucky to be alive

At Thanksgiving, Lorraine Washington is grateful for never giving up during dark times. Homeless as a teen. Shot in the face....